Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I have done a simple Sketchup drawing of what things will look like.

This will be a very basic box frame with panels on and dimensions will be 720 mm sq.

Height will be about the same - this is a lot smaller than I would have liked .

But .....................................

This should provide me enough space to be able to install a decent sump with topup and refugium.

I will try and knock-up some more details and need to get the stand made ASAP.

Happy reefing


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I have to consult with SWMBO before this can progress.

The need for space to include all the equipment and ease of manufacture will have to be balanced with esthetic needs. ;-)

Easier said than done !!!

Happy Reefing !


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I have managed to put the new sumps in and it is working ;-).

I do think I can do better though - so next step will be re-design the base/stand.

I would like to have something round - but from a practical perspective that just wont work.

So a square stand is probably the way to go.

Have seen this on RC so might do something along these lines , will have to wait and see.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I really don't know if I should do the change over to the new sump system ;-)

It seems to be a real catch22 - do it now and the redo it all again in 4 weeks.

Or choose not to and then run the risk that it does not work as it is supposed to and then have the potential chaos to put a stop-gap in place to keep things running.

There is still additional drilling etc needed - and this can only be done after the change - I would prefer to do that now whilst all tools are at hand.

Guess that answers my own question . :-)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I am getting things ready for the future move to our new place.

I have identified - what I think is a nice spot for the tank - this is a large covered patio.

The tank should be visible from all sides and shielded from the elements nicely.

I have also constructed a sump that will fit in the cabinet and as a result a remote sump will not be required anymore. This makes for a much neater and cleaner appearance.
I have not fitted it as yet - I am debating whether to wait for the move - or to do it now to ensure it functions correctly and then disassemble it all again when we move.


Happy Reefing